Definder - what does the word mean?

What is gerek?

KNOWN for being stone-hard! A true strong character. She does not let anyone walk all over her and is certainly not served by a stinking attitude. She is very independent, has been through a lot and is the true with the term: "tough-love." But when you get to know her, she is the most generous, caring and honest person you can have around. But don't get on her bad side, cause she doesn't mind getting out of character.

You're *Gereke*

Damn, that was stone-hard.
Savagery Gereke.

👍25 👎11

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gerek meme gif

gerek - video


Gerek - what is it?

A true fuck boy. Who loves his girlfriend. He thinks she is really pretty and loves to have sex with her.

That Gerek boy is queer

👍45 👎43