Definder - what does the word mean?

What is gbr?

Ex-Navy Seals guys who make a hypebeast type of clothing and gear drops. Tacticool version of Supreme.

- "Wow, that guy is rocking the hydra mount kit on his AR-15 from GBRS Group!"
- "Yeah, he has a giraffe's neck, he needs that height over bore you know..."

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gbr - meme gif

gbr meme gif

gbr - video


Gbr - what is it?

Short for Gay Balls Room. The east banquet room or EBR of the snow goose restaurant where lame and boring functions are held.

"Dude I have a party in the GBR room tonight with like 40 guests. Three hours later, that shit was fucking gay man, only like 5 people showed up, and I made $9.00.

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What does "gbr" mean?

Guinness Book of Records

Dad: How did you know about Elastic Man?
Me: Hey, he was in the GBR! Don't you know anything?

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Gbr - what does it mean?

Acronym for Gravity Bong Rip. A rip of a gravity bong.

"After a few bowls we all took GBRs, then sat down for 3 hours of Mario Tennis."

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Gbr - meaning

gotta brotha rollin

this stuff is so funny it gbr.

👍81 👎121

Gbr - definition

Gag Bag and Rag.

A technique where you have sex with an ugly girl who has a good body.

Gag her, to stop her talking
Bag her, bag over the head so you don't have to see her face
Rag her, self explanitory

NOT to be confused with rape.

"That girl is well fit but bloody ugly"
"I'd GBR her man!"

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Gbr - slang

The abbreviation for Gag, Bag and Rag , a technique term used to describe when a person wishes to engage in sexual intercourse with an ugly girl who has an attractive body.

"She makes me Boke"
"I'd GBR her still"

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gotta bitch rollin

man he gbr

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A rally cry for supporters of the University of Nebraska's football team.

"It's game day! GBR!"

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gay bringers

oh cool, gbr having a match.

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