Definder - what does the word mean?

What is gaygents?

When you're religious relatives come over and you have to pretend your straight

My aunt and uncle are here so I'm secret gaygent today

👍25 👎11

gaygents - video


Gaygents - what is it?

Someone who seems like they're straight but infact they're gay.

Guy 1: Yo check it out it's Niel Patrick Harris
Guy 2: You do know he's gay...
Guy 1: What! Everyone knows NPH gets so much pussy!
Guy 2: That's what it seems like - he's a secret gaygent.

👍69 👎25

What does "gaygents" mean?

-A skilled member of the LGBT (lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer, etc.) community who acts as an advocate on behalf of a related cause or matter.
-Someone who lobbies on behalf of a business or corporation to help show their support of gay and lesbian equal rights.


Business #1: Hey, I need someone to help show the world that our corporation and brand fully supports Equality for all Gay & lesbian men and women.

SPI: So, you're saying you need someone who is educated and experienced in the LGBT community, whose an advocate for equal rights, is outgoing, creative, determined, and persistent?; Someone whose sure to improve your company's visibility in the community as well as increase your bottom line profitability?

Business #1: YES! That's exactly what we need!... Oh, and they should also probably be extremely good looking...Can you help?

SPI: Absolutely! Our special Gaygent, Becca, is perfect for the job. She's our #1 girl, never afraid of a challenge and never gives up. We'll put her on the case right away!

👍29 👎13

Gaygents - what does it mean?

It's Kat and Jakub

Hey we are Gaygents. Me and my friends are secretly gay. :D

👍25 👎11