Definder - what does the word mean?

What is gay Bob?

Big Gay Bob - A lazy pile, gross, hairy man. Typically you consider him a friend and he claims to be heterosexual but you all know he’s gay and has sexual thoughts about you and your friends

Big gay bobs here. Yea he’s just being gay as usual

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gay Bob - video


Gay Bob - what is it?

A gay-ka-bob is any person male or female that is prone to or at risk for homosexual activities. not literal homosexuality of course, but the figurative type which includes but is not limited to oddnessand overall queerness.

That damn billy he's such a GAY-KA-BOB he looks like an oompaaloompaah

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What does "gay Bob" mean?

Word Origin: a gay ka bob originates from shakira nancy and jonna from Bard highschool early college in refers to a gay man on a stick ( which is an overtly gay person) and when shortened becomes a gay-ka-bob...(meat on a stick)

You little gay-ka-bob i dont want to hold your hand!

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Gay Bob - what does it mean?

One who is named Bob, Fat , Balding, With short arms, likes penis, and is extremly homosexual.

Did you see the dick drawing that GAY BOB did??

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Gay Bob - meaning

1) one who acts EXTREMELY homosexual
2) gay bob=1, shane=0
3) to master the art of peeling out in the ford tempo (red)('93
4) to live with your parents after the age of 40
5) to stalk ramdom waitresses at Waffle House
6) bitch of the world
7) loves the gerber

The Gatorades are up for grabs guys!

Don't worry gay bob, we were taking them anyway.

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Gay Bob - definition

Loves the Cock

Who is that? Oh don't worry its just gay bob, he loves the cock

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