Definder - what does the word mean?

What is gati?

Largely unfit to be invited to events or groups because of a slight gay radiant.

"Don't invite him. He's too gaty."
"Kick that gaty kid out!"

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gati - meme gif

gati meme gif

gati - video


Gati - what is it?

An extremely obese homosexual individual.

rhianna is such a gaty.

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What does "gati" mean?

A word used to represent "gay" on forums that have gay censored. Spelled like this usually "g@y"

person 1 - Your so gaty.
person 2 - Hey shut up! You are g@y.

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Gati - what does it mean?

Latvian origin. Gay, very gay indeed. Most likely a wannabe German. Likes K pop and is very homosexual but strangely is a homophobic.
Quite commonly refers to having "niggas in his butt hole".

"Gatis is very homophobic"
"Nigga's in my butthole"
"I'm gonna use you as protection, your gonna be my Condom"

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Gati - meaning

someone who is super gay or a big noob that you call gay

That kid Dave is so Gaty, no one likes him

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Gati - definition

Mature, prepared. Region of origin Latvia. Gatis is a Latvian masculine given name borne by over 5,000 men in Latvia.

You sound like Gatis

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Gati - slang

Extremely homosexual, gay, or a faggot.

Michael said he was going to ship something out for me, but he says he isn't going to do it anymore! He's so gaty.

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What's your gati

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An alternative to calling something gay that isn't homophobic

SillyPossibility is so gaty!

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a blunt rolled with weed that is as thick and long as a cigar.

shit we smoked a gati and got high as fuck

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