Definder - what does the word mean?

What is garreth?

An epic gamer, Oro main in Fortnite, and TF2 enthusiast.

Put some spring in your step, don't be a garrethizer.

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garreth - meme gif

garreth meme gif

garreth - video


Garreth - what is it?

A very brown man who is a living meme. Living personification of doge. Also likes cats and can be scary yet nice

He's acting like a total garreth when he shouldn't be!

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What does "garreth" mean?

Playful but can be serious when he wants to be. Always smiling; friendly and attractive :)

I like him because he's so garreth

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Garreth - what does it mean?

bayleighs slave

garreth is bayleighs slave

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Garreth - meaning

such a loser cant keep a girlfriend

β€œugh garreth and lyla split up again”

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