Definder - what does the word mean?

What is fuxx?

a man will fuxx wit a grape swisher but only if the grape swisher fuxx wit the man. usually, a man will use “i fuxx wit grape swishers” to alert his peers that he is preparing for a smoke. a grape swisher is a flavored cigarette paper, but not many people know that. when a man says “i fuxx wit grape swishers,” only the kool kats will know what the man means.

steve: “i fuxx wit grape swishers”

lame-o: “what?”

kool kat: “hell yeah dude, fuxx wit it”

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fuxx - meme gif

fuxx meme gif

fuxx - video


Fuxx - what is it?

The meme machine himself can make any hangout into a memorable one with his witty perro jokes

Kale Fuxx: "Are you Perri?"

👍25 👎11

What does "fuxx" mean?

A whole new level of faded where basic speech is impaired to the point where you cannot pronounce properly.

Jared: Yo bro im so fuxxed rn

Chad: lol shiiiit

Jared: sup gurl down to fuxx?

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