Definder - what does the word mean?

What is freading?

A common PC game error which causes the said game to crash at startup, displaying a message in which it is written that "The Fread Has Failed". This baffled many PC users because it was an unheard of and unsolvable problem.
To this day, any game thats "Fread has failed" has to be returned and a new copy purchased.

Aw man chuck! I can't play Harry Potter 2 anymore because it keeps saying that my "FREAD HAS FAILED"!


Oh snap john, quick, return your copy of Super Mega Ninjas, it look's like the game is displaying the "Fread Fail" error!

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freading - meme gif

freading meme gif

freading - video


Freading - what is it?

When you descretely read the magazine/book the guy beside you's actually reading in the tube/bus.That's your free reading of the day.

On the way back home I've been freading for almost 10 minuts and the guy didn't even notice.

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What does "freading" mean?

head from a friend

Yo got fread from Fred last night. He got some DSLs.

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