Definder - what does the word mean?

What is forehead's?

An up and coming college drinking card game created by students from UAlbany, ACP, and Utica College. In this game everyone sticks a playing card to their head. The players then take turns drawing a card and guessing if its higher or lower than the card on their head. If they guess correctly they make someone else take a drink, if they are incorrect they take a drink. They go around 7 times each. At the end of seven rounds everyone makes one guess to guess their card. If they are correct the draw an additional card and make someone drink for that amount of time (in seconds). If they are incorrect they draw a card and they must drink for that amount of time (in seconds). The last winner of the game shuffles the cards for the next round.

Dude I was at UAlbany last night and they were playing that new drinking game Forehead .... I don't remember much after that.

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forehead's - meme gif

forehead's meme gif

forehead's - video


Forehead's - what is it?


A part of the head thats above the eyebrow. Or the more proper meaning KSI

I just saw forehead man.

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What does "forehead's" mean?

The space on one's head, from the hairline to the top/front of the ears, to the top of the eyebrows. A space that most people would prefer to be smaller.

If someone has no hairline, the entire area on their head above the top of their eyebrows is their forehead.

"lmao u seen that man's forehead? bigger than the rtx 3090"

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Forehead's - what does it mean?

A blowjob received while out golfing, preferably in the driver's seat of a golf cart. Similar to road head.

Man, it was really backed up when we got to the 17th tee. So I drove the golf cart around behind some bushes and my girlfriend gave me some wicked forehead. FORE!!!!

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Forehead's - meaning

A patch of skin on your face that covers the frontal lobe, commonly used for head butting.

I came on her forehead so she head butted my balls.

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Forehead's - definition

Brendon Urie from Panic! at the disco

Forehead is a god!
Forehead almost has a bigger vocal range than his actual forhead!

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Forehead's - slang

that annoying thing on my face which repulses any female in a ten mile radius, and also is causing life to be a living hell ..... yay

chris has a very big forehead .. and is hence called forehead ... stupid forehead

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The proper area on which to apply HeadOn.

"HeadOn apply directly to the forehead!"
"HeadOn apply directly to the forehead!"
"HeadOn apply directly to the forehead!"
"HeadOn apply directly..."

*shotgun blast*

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The huge shiny bit of ur head. You can calculate the size of ur forehead by following these instructions.

Get some wholemeal flour, low fat butter and 3.5 eyelashes.
Put all of it into a mixing bowl and mix it up. Once its become a greyish brown colour with weird hairs sticking out from it, stuff all of the mixture into a toaster. Turn ur toaster on full heat (if you can do that) and let it toast for 10-15 mins. Once it's done, slap the 'toast' on ur forehead and leave it there for 30 mins. You will experience immense pain but that's totally normal...
After the time is up, take it off and see how many burns u got. Count the burns and the number of burns tell u what finger forehead u have. The larger the number the better...

P.S. This is mainly for Gandluris

Bruh DomSalum has 7-finger forehead.

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An insult implying a lack of thought or stupidness. Derived from the lack of mass behind your forehead.

"What a forehead! That guy just cut us off!!"

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