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What is foot Penis?

After excessive unprotected sexual encounters, one may develop skin lesions or other unwanted afflictions on the member. These afflictions can cause reproductive harm or damage other bodily functions, as well as being extremely painful.

I just bedded three women in one day, now I have trench foot penis.

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foot Penis - video


Foot Penis - what is it?

a penis grafted to your foot for those with a foot fetish

Girl 1: That dude has a crazy ass foot fetish, he got himself a foot penis


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What does "foot Penis" mean?

A penis that is as long as your foot from heel to toe

Erin: How big is Jared’s cock?
Brianna: it’s as long as his foot. He’s got a foot penis

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Foot Penis - what does it mean?

after having some hot and heavy sex for large durations of time, all the blood has rushed from the feet to the penis makin your feet icy as death....

ya after that 3 hours of awesome sex, not even socks could keep my from foot-penis from giving her chills

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