Definder - what does the word mean?

What is foodism?

A religion that worships Cheesus Rice, the only bun of Cod, Cod the reheater, and the Holy Toast.

My romantic partner: Will you marry me?
Me: Sorry. You need to be of my religion.
My romantic partner: What's your religion?
Me: Foodism.

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foodism meme gif

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Foodism - what is it?

The religious celebration of food. Foodists gather together on religious holidays, (Christmas, Easter, Thanksgiving) to eat large quanities of good food. The official church of the Foodist religion is any preferred buffet, where there is large quanities of food to consume.

This we are celebrating Foodism on Easter at the Country Buffet.

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What does "foodism" mean?

Having hatred towards a food group for its taste, color, or texture.

Adam: I hate Mac & Cheese
Afraa: that’s foodism

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Foodism - what does it mean?

Is when you like the yellow fried potatoes and not the black (burnt) one

Waiter: So what do you want to order, sir?
Person 1: I would like some yellow fried potatoes please.
Person 2: wtf foodism

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