Definder - what does the word mean?

What is fly by the seat of your pants?

When you don't prepare for anything or tell anybody anything until the last minute.

John: I didn't start getting ready for our 8:00 flight until 7:30.
Joe: Dude you're flying by the seat of your pants.

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fly by the seat of your pants - video


Fly by the seat of your pants - what is it?

Act according to one's own desires or beliefs without regard for standards for social behavior, logical sensibility, or the approval of others.

Generally regarded as negative, irresponsible

"I apologize for my friend's uncouth behavior, he tends to fly by the seat of his pants"

"Don't fly by the seat of your pants; make real plans for your future"

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What does "fly by the seat of your pants" mean?

1. to pilot a plane by feel and instinct rather than by instruments

2. to proceed or work by feel or instinct without formal guidelines or experience

It's during a time like that that you must fly by the seat of your pants.

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