Definder - what does the word mean?

What is flux's?

Flux is a state of perpetual passion. Flux is the combination of intensity and beauty. Flux is not something you can learn, you are either Flux or not Flux its that simple. Flux is high octane I don't give a fuck energy. Flux is turning the fuck up like its the last day of your life. Flux is complicated to the turn down bitches, but its as simple as breathing to a Flux boy. Flux boys always bring the party. Flux boys always inject enthusiasm into their daily interactions. Flux boys live life with passion and encourage others to live life on fire. Flux is love. Flux is ecstasy. Flux is fury. Flux is Life. Flux is Flux

Nate- Yo Brady did you see Determan just beer bong that tequila bottle while streaking?
Brady- Yeah dude that was so Flux

Brady- Yo Determan and Nate lets go taze some ASU kids
Determan- Fuck Yeah Brady! Lets get Flux!
Nate- Fuck Yeah Boys! Flux Forever!

Caroline- Yo Nate did you just see Jmery pass out after one ice?
Nate- Nah thats embarrassing tho
Caroline- Seriously thats so not Flux

👍31 👎15

flux's - meme gif

flux's meme gif

flux's - video


Flux's - what is it?

The required type of capacitor for time travel. Widely known for its use in 1981 DMC-12s. This type of capacitor requires 1.21 gigawatts and a velocity of 88 mph in order to obtain the necessary conditions for time travel.

We out-fitted the vehicle with this big pole and hook which
runs directly into the flux-capacitor. At the calculated moment, you start off from down the street driving toward the cable execrating to eighty-eight miles per hour. According to the flyer, at 10:04 pm lightning will strike the clock tower sending one point twenty-one gigawatts into the flux-capacitor, sending you back to 1985.

👍75 👎73

What does "flux's" mean?

A substitute for the swear 'fuck' used by a few science-fiction nerds in Canada and the United States.

I missed my bus, oh flux!

👍147 👎169

Flux's - what does it mean?

Describing a person: confused, burned out, possibly wigged out. (Possibly a shortening of flummoxed.)

After staring at the computer all day, I'm totally fluxed.

👍43 👎19

Flux's - meaning

The Flux - An archaic medical term, meaning being very sick, with the simultaneous occurrence of vomiting and diarrhea.

Joe can't come to work today. I think he's got the flux.

👍51 👎23

Flux's - definition

Refers to the amount and rate at which a liquid (or gas) enters or leaves a surface. Mostly used in engineering courses, but it is also seen in vector calculus.

Find the flux of the vector function F(x,y,z)=xyi+y^2*arctan(y*z)j-exp(2*x*z) over the unit sphere z=p^2.

👍205 👎141

Flux's - slang

Straight savage or on fleek. To be awesome or spectacular.

Michael: Man! Look at that lamp! That's straight flux!

Trenton: Yeah man! Get two!

👍47 👎19


A state of indecision or uncertainty

Nancy's soul is in flux, because she is becoming a vegetarian.

👍221 👎101


Flux is the situation when you're in between a relationship and friends with benefits and don't know what is going to happen in the future. It can transform into more or totally fade away.
You can also have a flux when you're sure you don't want to have a relationship, but just sex is not enough. It is not as binding as a relationship and you can be friends even after the flux falls apart.

Example 1:
"Is a flux really what you want?"
"Yeah, I wanna find out whether I really want a relationship or I just wanna have fun with him."
Example 2:
"I really like him/her but I don't want a relationship right now..."
"Dude, just start a flux?!"

👍143 👎51


Flux is a state of perpetual passion. Flux is the combination of beauty and intensity. You cannot learn how to be Flux, you are either Flux or you are not Flux its that simple. Flux is not giving a fuck and turning the fuck like its the last day of your life. Flux will never go out of style. Flux is everlasting. Flux is complicated to turn down bitches, however to a Flux boy its as simple as breathing. Flux boys bring the party wherever they go, they bring the intensity to every interaction, they suck the marrow out of life and encourage others to live life on fire. Flux is inspiring. Flux is greatness. Flux is Flux.

Nate- Yo Brady did you just see Determan beer bong a bottle of tequila while streaking?
Brady- Yeah dude that was so Flux.

Brady- Yo Determan and Nate lets go taze some ASU kids
Determan- Fuck Yeah!! Lets get Flux!
Nate- Fuck Yeah Brady! You know I'm Down to get Flux with my boys!

Caroline- Nate did you see Jmery just pass out after one ice?
Nate- Nah but that is embarrassing.

Caroline- Yeah I know so not Flux.

👍57 👎17