Definder - what does the word mean?

What is flen?

Its huge, Massive.
Everyone hates when flen jokes about his dick (Nut nc theyโ€™re jealous of how big his cock is)

Flenโ€™s dick is massive, Not even King Kong could handle it
Flen stop joking about your dick. Gross.

๐Ÿ‘25 ๐Ÿ‘Ž11

flen - meme gif

flen meme gif

flen - video


Flen - what is it?

From Swedish, meaning dick-ckeese. You know, that yellow stuff on your cock.

Man, there's a lot of flens on my dick. I knew I should've cleaned my penis at least once a year.

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What does "flen" mean?

The black crusty stuff that forms around the top of a ketchup bottle.

Would you like some flen with those fries?

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