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What is flatulator's?


Rakishi flatuated on my head and now I smell like ass

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Flatulator's - what is it?

Defined as a gaseous or sometimes solid emission orgionating and blown from the anus that causes an adverse reaction from anyone in the vicinity. See Fart, or Bust Ass.

"Bobby was flatulent that night and scared away the ladies."

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What does "flatulator's" mean?

Fancy word for fart.

I smell a flatulence.

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Flatulator's - what does it mean?

Euphemism for fart, blowing a binderfender, cutting a tile peeler.

Margie, when you have so much flatulence, I'd appreciate it if you'd stay home.

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Flatulator's - meaning

Another uncommon and mostly unknown word for "fart."

Guys, I have to flatulate.

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Flatulator's - definition

A flat version of an escalator, such as those moving walkways you see in airports.

Philip was going to be late for his connecting flight, so he hopped on the flatulator to give himself a speed boost.

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Flatulator's - slang

Fart, gas, cheese, break wind, cut, cut cheese, rip, ripped the cheese, let, let one, ripper, skunk bait, fluffer, poofer, false pooper, put-put, poof-poof, brown-dart, blue-dart, chair air, room clearer, angel's whisper, the dog did it, rotten eggs, anal methane.

"I had such bad flatulence, I could not sleep"

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To fart on someone.

Last night, while we were in bed, my husband proceeded to pull the covers over my head and flatulize me.

I totally walked by Jim's cube and flatulized him without his knowledge.

My girlfriend was sitting on the couch reading a book. I simply walked over and flatulized her.

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A very intelligent way of describing something very immature

The adult male expelled flatulence through his anus. It did not emit a sound wave with an amplitude or frequency that could be noticed by the human ear, but it still emitted a stench that could cause an alligator in Louisiana to enter cardiac arrest.

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the violent evacuation of intestinal gases

He gave his opinion on handling the war in Afghanistan, suggesting the United States send a squad of Midwestern football fans whose diets consist of cabbage, cheese and beer and let their flatulence cripple everyone in range.

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