Definder - what does the word mean?

What is firestick?

When a male has herpes, Gonorrhea, Aids, and any other STD

Yo that girl gave me that firestick

👍25 👎11

firestick - meme gif

firestick meme gif

firestick - video


Firestick - what is it?

The act of pouring alchohol into a femal reproductive organ, as well as the male counterpart lighting the mans member on fire and then inserting into the female oraphus.

Daddy give me a nice "Bulgarian firestick"

Yes baby, but we're going to die.

Don't worry, I want you to light my puss puss on fire and kill the both of us

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What does "firestick" mean?

A more distinguished and elegant way of consuming media. A jailbroken amazon firestick with access to any and every film/show on the planet

How are you watching the last of us show, do you have HBO max?
Na mate, dodgy firestick

👍27 👎11

Firestick - what does it mean?

A phrase which supersedes "Netflix and chill" and accepted amoug all sexual orientation with the exception of lesbians. This is in invitation to acquire company to enjoy a movie via amazon firestick while enjoying sex.

Her: hey! Firestick and dick tonight?
Him: you bring the fire, I'll bring dick.

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Firestick - meaning

A movie that is not worth paying to see in theaters so you just wait for the bootleg video to come out free.

Friend: Hey dude want to go see Batman v Superman
Me: checks rotten tomatoes

Me: Bro thats a firestick flick

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Firestick - definition

To invite a female (or male) over to watch the Firestick with intenions of fucking before, during, or after. Much more straightforward than netflix and chill.

She wanted to netflix and chill but I had better plans, Firestick and Fuck.

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Firestick - slang

a codename for cigarettes depending on if someone is not cool with it..yo

1hey man you got firesticks? 2yeah. 1o okay ill be right over in that case.

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A person consisting of having red pubic hairs. The firestick is usually referred to the male genital area, for females it's reffered to as a "Firebox".

Parker Hynes is a perfect example of a firebox

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The barbecue lighter that is used for lighting candles that have hard-to-reach wicks.

Hey, hand me that firestick. I don't want to burn my fingers.

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