Definder - what does the word mean?

What is falee?

What you call a guy or friend that acts, talks, or dresses gay but is not.


Also a way to call someone (gay) around parents or teachers.

Add: epic, or total before it to make it sound even better

Me: Dude "name" you are such a fale man.

Teacher walks by...
Me: Man look at "name" he always acts like he's gay.
Not me: Yeah, he's an epic fale!


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falee - meme gif

falee meme gif

falee - video


Falee - what is it?

A person of visually ambiguous gender. It is difficult to tell whether this person is a male or female just by looking at him/her. It is a combination of "male" and "female."

"Hey, did you see him, er... that person over there?"

"Oh, that flat-chested and muscular person with a beautiful face and a ponytail?"

"Yeah, I can't tell what that fale is!"

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What does "falee" mean?

female + male = FALE

u have given birth to a fale!

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Falee - what does it mean?

something beyond an average fail.

9PM. "so i'm going to sleep. bye."

"what a fale."

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Falee - meaning

Alternate spelling of fail and phail

Angela not only fails at life, but she phails and even fales at life.

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Falee - definition

When something fails beyond an epic fail, thus it's not deserving of correct spelling.

She wanted milk, so she microwaved ice cream with water. It was so fale.

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Falee - slang

To continue with out a thought... pure reaction based on optimism.

Chris: Dude, you really think I should keep turning the wrench?

Ryan: Yea dude, just falee it, it'll come loose eventually!

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Ironic use of the word fail, i.e. failing at spelling fale

"I'd have caught the ball if I didn't become so fale"

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A person who is a hemale or too masculine.

Why is that fale doing pushups with 200 kg on his back.

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A derogatory term used to describe Yale University and its students. Popularized among Harvard students by "Fale" T-shirts designed for the annual Harvard-Yale football game in 2008

"What, your sister got into Harvard and Fale? Is that even a decision?"

"You slept with someone after 'The Game'!?! Dear god, tell me it wasn't a Fale girl."

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