Definder - what does the word mean?

What is failureness?

When you can't go on anymore & have to drop the weight.
Used to describe amount of reps the person does until he fails to do anymore.
Used commonly in body building lingo.

Guy1: Now finish with dumbbell fly
Guy2: How many reps?
Guy1: To Failure
Guy2: aight...

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failureness - meme gif

failureness meme gif

failureness - video


Failureness - what is it?

The New England Patriots 2007-2008 Football Season.

I would take 14-6 over an 18-1 failure any day.

👍463 👎143

What does "failureness" mean?

Our President.

Sadly, he had enough back-up to cover up his faults.

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Failureness - what does it mean?

When your best just isn't good enough.

That's the crappiest fingerpainting I've ever seen, Bobby, you little failure.

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Failureness - meaning

the United Nations.

The United Nations is a failure.

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Failureness - definition


Teacher: Can anyone give an example of a failure?
Kid: You

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Failureness - slang


Dad: Did you pass your exam?
me: No Dad, i didn't
Dad: Well your a failure to this family you uncultured swine!

👍133 👎23


What Steven He is

9-year-old Steven: Don't say failure!

Steven's dad aka substitute teacher: *waits for 2-3 awkward silence*


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You know who is a failure? Me!

👍101 👎15



I'm a failure

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