Definder - what does the word mean?

What is failer?

AWSOMELY better then utter failer

omg, dude ur a bucket of failer

👍25 👎13

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Failer - what is it?

someone who sucks at going off ramps on a bike, skateboard, etc. and knows it.

cody: dude go off this ramp
john: i cant i suck at it
cody: come on its easy
john: no im a jump failer.

👍25 👎11

What does "failer" mean?

A segment of the One Piece Fandom that believes that the Raid on Onigashima will fail, and will not take no for an answer, despite any other logic. Additionally they've basically given up on hopes of another saga, and are stuck in this delusionary state that Oda is never going to move on with the story.

Synonyms: Idiots, toxic, jojo-referencers but with One Piece

Casual anime fan/op fan: I'm finally at the raid!! OP was so long, but I'm here! I'm with the Fandom! Now I get to witness Luffy's brawl with the current bad guy!
Raid Failer: Oh, you're finally at the Raid? It's gonna fail you know, Oda isn't going beyond Wano.
Casual fan: What do you mean? I haven't even started, it's a shonen manga, isn't it?
CHAD Fan: Ignore that douche, He's one of the Raid Failers.

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Failer - what does it mean?

someone who's cool and magistic .

Guy 1 : that guy is so cool and handsome .
Guy 2 : he's a failer .

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Failer - meaning

Algerian slang for flawless being, often used to describe a genius who cannot be fooled who FAILS your attempts to deceive him, or can be used to describe someone who excels in multiple aspects and is extremely handsome .

Mohammad : i finished reading Aristotle's The Nicomachean Ethics, finished Dark Souls with zero deaths, just finished studying and now I'm gonna hit the gym .
Ahmad : you really are a Failer aren't ya' ?

👍25 👎13

Failer - definition

Noun. A person that tries and tries again with no success until they finally become wealthy, popular, and/or loved by the masses.

That guy is such a failer, he should just call it a day and try again tomorrow.

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