Definder - what does the word mean?

What is fadder?

Fadder is someone who protects you and is mainly used for different types of tasks and activities all around sweden. A fadder is suppose to help you and guard you through for exempel what we call โ€nollningenโ€. Nollningen is something most teenagers starting year one in gymnasiet experiences. Fun activities and challenges where you have your faddrar protecting you but most importantly punishing you by pouring ketchup, mustard and flour all around you etc.. (for fun ofc๐Ÿ˜›)
We wieners are lucky to have 2 of the best faddrar you can possibly ask for, Alex and Majid, we lรถv you.

thank you faddrar for making our nollning the best ever, we are so grateful. But most importantly thank you our father.

We hope to be as good of a fadder as you two one day :)

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fadder - meme gif

fadder meme gif

fadder - video


Fadder - what is it?

Abusing first graders from Gymnasiet in centuries. They throw liquids at you, food and they embarrass you in public .

Fadder: you know what itโ€™s time for? N0llor: no? Fadder: *siren goes off*

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What does "fadder" mean?

A person who enjoys embarrassing the hell out of nollor.

fadder: turning on the sirens in the pond
nollor: not again..

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Fadder - what does it mean?

Fadder is someone who both protects you but also embarrass you all at the same time. Fadder is like a guardian for tennagers starting year one in gymnasiet for exemple. They have responsibility for you and your class mates and they do fun tasks and activities with you.

For example the fadder can pour different types of sauces on you as a punishment for loosing a game (for fun ofc) our faddrar are obviously the best and we love them:)

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Fadder - meaning

a student that undertakes the titel in order to reach a level of power. there are different levels of faddrar. some, like Alex and Najiib have advanced to a superior level. They are the Gโ€™s PERIOD

โ€when a fadder strikes down upon you, man bows in a gesture to show his gratitude and to get cloutโ€

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Fadder - definition

A peculiar species of homo sapien that behaves predominantly, though destitute when isolated. Have been spotted abusing minors in public.

Common area of habitat - Sweden ๐Ÿ‡ธ๐Ÿ‡ช
Average IQ - 100+ ๐Ÿง 
Kindness - Immense ๐Ÿ˜

Bjรถrn Grylls: *in British* "Caeeful! Look ehead... A wiild pack of fadders abusing kids. For sum reesn the kids aren't protestin' . A real raare find here in the cold north."

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Fadder - slang

The word for 'father' used in the Atlantic-Canadian and Newfoundland dialects of English, originating from Newfoundland and is still used in Maritime provinces to this day, like Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island, New Brunswick and Newfoundland.

"What's yer fadder's name, b'y?"
"Oh, he's Leon, b'y."

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A male who takes dick in the nose and/or ear

Usually Asian or Native American

look at that guy snorting a dick!
What a fadder

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A number of third year students in, most commonly, swedish high schools that take care of "n0llor".

They're very kind, but if they tell you to get in a water fountain, you better get in that water fountain, and if they sound the alarm for "bacon frรคs", you better dive in to that water and do the ritual(wave your arms and legs up and down like there's no tomorrow whilst laying on your stomach).
The BEST bonding activity, would highly recommend! Warning: might contain water and getting soaking wet, it's all in good fun thoโœŒ๐Ÿผ

- In this treasure hunt we all have at least one fadder
- ร…ร…ร…รฅรฅรฅร…รฅร…รฅรฅร…รฅ KATEDRAL, STADENS DIAMANT!๐Ÿ’Ž
- We โ™ก IB17s faddrar
- Our faddrar are gods ๐Ÿ™Œ๐Ÿผ

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Basically another meaning of the word "guardian" but it's mostly used in school activities in Sweden. A fadder is supposed to take care of you, mentor you and if you're going to the gymnasium (sweden's version of high school) they can literally order you around. In layman's term = you'll probably become their slave and admirer...

-My fadder told me to follow them on social media so I obviously did.
-IB17s faddrar are simply the best.

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