Definder - what does the word mean?

What is ese?

...wait, did you just call me a term paper?

Imma do yo ese real good when I get to my crib hommie!

👍199 👎153

ese - meme gif

ese meme gif

ese - video


Ese - what is it?

like nigga....for hispanics

yo ese, u best keep ur hands off my chica

👍1629 👎1253

What does "ese" mean?

Commonly mistaken to mean "homie," "buddy," or "gang coworker," this word is actually used as a password gateway into the telepathic community grid only known by Mexicans, Latinos, and anyone else who looks remotely like George Lopez. This telepathy internet has been accessed in secret by our people for a millennium, since the time of the Incas, Aztecs, and Bantu. Today we use this tool as a method of strictly important communication, usually to discuss common or new methods of pile-driving chika's, petty theft, or crossing borders. Anyone caught speaking this word intending to access our thought network will be located and drowned in beans, which we always have handy.


👍549 👎335

Ese - what does it mean?

ESE means the letter "S" which stands for SURENO or southsider. So that's why Mexicans that are surenos use it.

Yo homes most of you people are wrong. MEXICANS are the ones that use the word ESE. Some of us use it instead of saying the following:


👍2581 👎1613

Ese - meaning

What you call a fellow vato, basicaly means homeboy

whaddup ese?

f*ck you, ese!

ese! you owe me money, holmes

👍1337 👎747

Ese - definition

all these other definitions are wrong. ese is used mostly by MEXICAN gang bangers. ESE is used by Surenos. If you believe every Hispanic ethnicity uses the word ese, then take a trip up to northern California.

there is nothing but ese's in southern california.

👍6537 👎3615

Ese - slang

Basically means homeboy, dog, dude, man, or homes. Usually used by Mexicans.

(Mexican): Que pasa ese?
(Other Mexican): Nada ese. E tu?

👍3747 👎1937


A fellow Hispanic, your close friend or homey, homeboy.

Hey, ese, I'm gonna let that little mamacita feel my latino heat!

👍6669 👎3107


Bascially the same thing as "nigga" but instead it's structured for mexicans. Avetards and some intellectuals like to refer to an ese and an essay as the same thing because it's pretty fun.

Hey, I got an essay due tomorrow for my TardU class, can you help me fuck this ese up?

👍937 👎289


Refers to the person you are talking to or talking about. It takes the place of words like "fool,""nigga,"and "dog" when used on the streets by youth. In 2007 it is mostly used by gang members or by people refering to Mexican American gang members, but not exclusively. The word was used long before the Mexican Mafia, or surenos, existed. Pachucos, Mexican American zoot suiters of the 1940s, used the word ese in Los Angeles, Tucons, El Paso, San Jose, Albuquerque, Gilroy to name a few documented locations. It is true that todays' Mexican American gang members from northern California, aka nortenos, refrain from saying the word ese. This is because "ese" is how you pronounce the letter "S" in Spanish and they take that as referring to "S" for surenos, Mexican American gang members belonging to the 13, the Mexican Mafia that originated in southern california but is now in northern california and other U.S. states.

Sabes que ese? (You know what ese?)
Te voy a filirear! (I'm gonna stab you)

Who popped T-bone?
It was dem ese's!

👍3229 👎869