Definder - what does the word mean?

What is emberlee?

She is the best friend you could ever get. But if you turn your back on her she will get you back so hard that you will de-evolve back into a monkey. Do you want that? No, I don't think so. She probably rides the bus and is probably Bisexual. She is pretty but you wouldn't date her. And she either HATES anime or LOVES it with all her heart. Keep her as a friend because she will stay with you if you treat her well, and while also being her friend she will tell you all the drama that she has and it'll be fun.

some idiot: Ew, its Emberlee I'm gonna go tell a lie about emberlee
Emberlees friend: Shut up ugh
Friend two: You stupid rat lol
Emberlees gf: She is gonna kill you after I tell her
friend three: *kicks* LOL THAT WAS FUN ima go get her so she can do it too
Emberlee: So uh... what were you gonna say?
idiot: *slaps Emberlee*

Then somehow Emberlee gets in trouble bc nothing goes nher way

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emberlee - video


Emberlee - what is it?

A girl who’s heart is made of gold, who is gorgeous, and can make anyone laugh. An all around amazing person.

There goes that gorgeous Emberlee

👍37 👎13

What does "emberlee" mean?

Name given to a gorgeous little girl who looks like Shirley Temple.

Look at those beautiful curls, must be an Emberlee.

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