Definder - what does the word mean?

What is eloo?

When you go on someone's facebook and like your own pictures, thus making your picture appear in the news feed of everybody and having more "likes".

Random annoying girl : Hey Betty, so this boy let me go on his fb, and then, I Elooe'd, and now, like, I'm so popular, like omg! yay!
Another girl : Oh so it was you the one that did the Elooe yesterday

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eloo - meme gif

eloo meme gif

eloo - video


Eloo - what is it?

An Argentine onomatopeia created by a famous and well-known announcer named Fabian Cerfolio. The term is very popular in Argentina specially on a tv show called Duro de Domar (Roberto Pettinato) where it's used to emphazise something amazing and surprising. we could translate this expression this way: "what a madness"
Note: you can use it either with one (elO) or two "oo" (elOO)

eg; Que linda mujer eloo! What a beautiful lady eloo!

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What does "eloo" mean?

originated within the past 3 years by renegade hackers in the south-west of europe, the word when first used was writtin by mistake by a computer programer in the game splinter cell, in one of the missions. the programmer was ment to put "Hello sam fisher" not "Eloo same fisher" now this is a commonly used word in internet chat rooms.

1337 man 7331: eloo D O G G
manic uber n00b: wad up homz

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Eloo - what does it mean?

short for hello,first used in chat rooms by an uber n00b

spaz no.1: eloo
spaz no.1: eloo to you to

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