Definder - what does the word mean?

What is ector?

The most classy man you will ever meet

Look at the classy man I bet his name is Ector, doing all sorts of classy things

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Ector - what is it?

A hector who thinks too highly of himself. An ugly, cocky, manipulator who is also a pathological liar. Most likely a heavy drug user who is miserable with his own pathetic life that he has to stalk and ruin the lives of his exes.

I used to go out with a king ector, hes a bitch.

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What does "ector" mean?

a boy who thinks he's a player, and goes around talking to different girls. he will tell you he loves you and you think he means it, but then he'll ignore you for the longest time. he's confusing.

"Ector is so confusing."

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