Definder - what does the word mean?

What is ebo?

Emotional Bag Of Shit.

I can't stand her because she is so emotional all the time. She's such an Ebos.

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ebo - meme gif

ebo meme gif

ebo - video


Ebo - what is it?

Something you thought was over but keeps coming back.

You spray and spray but these roaches are ebo

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What does "ebo" mean?

Emergency Box of Smarties

I'm snowed in with 4 feet of fresh snow outside. Oh! No! Where is my EBOS?

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Ebo - what does it mean?

The best at everything he is a G.O.A.T and can and will always wreck can in a 1v1

Can in a hole because ebo sent him there

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Ebo - meaning

EveryBodyOpps/ EveryBodyOpp -

β€œI see youn be outside too much”

β€œEBO gng I gotta play it safe”

β€œI see youn be outside too much”

β€œYou know I’m EBO, I think everybody opps”

β€œI feel you, it’s a whole lotta hate”

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Ebo - definition

A gang located in Lex, KY

Guy 1: β€œyou heard ab that ebo nigga getting arrested ?”

Guy 2: β€œyeah free my nigga mally”

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Ebo - slang

Coo guy whos my bud and drives goodly but must burn out.

Eric murd is ebo ok hes my ebo not yours go away......then do yourself up the anal crack. Ok alll done now BYe.............Sweet the pill tray is here buh bye

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A term for a feamle. Not good or bad just another word for girl.

1. Where the ebo's at?
2. Look at that ebo.
3. Fuck that ebo.

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E-bo simply means a modern-day bohemian. A person who utilizes the internet and technology to further their passion. Someone who devotes their day to their art. Whether it be writing, painting, sculpting, drawing, music, photography, etc. They devote their night to having fun, partying, and generally experiencing life.

Devereaux-"Today I posted a poem, 10 pictures, a drawing, and a painting online." Toulouse-"You're ebo man." Devereaux-"Uhh...let's drink."

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Relating to an extacy pill (mdma)

"Hey, are you selling any ebo's at the rave tonite?"

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