Definder - what does the word mean?

What is eating Popcorn?

This refers to watching someone else's arguments or difficulties for amusement.

my boss has no idea what the hell he is talking about, i am going to sit back and eat some popcorn.

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eating Popcorn - video


Eating Popcorn - what is it?

When sexual relations lead to topless women

My girlfrind and I were eating popcorn last night.

👍45 👎57

What does "eating Popcorn" mean?

code for having SEX; The act of being naughty...very naughty!

1. On Sunday Sami is eating popcorn in her parent's shower.
2. I'm eating popcorn in my room.
3. Mom: You can't go to the drive in with him. I won't allow it.
Daughter: But mom we are only eating popcorn.
4. If Sami keeps eating popcorn she will get pregnant.

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Eating Popcorn - what does it mean?

to have anal sex with a man

John was eating popcorn with Will all night.

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