Definder - what does the word mean?

What is e36?

BMW 3 series produced between 1990 and 2000. 95% of them are shit boxes you can buy for 900€. Used as drift cars by people who can't afford japanese cars. If you are an e36 owner, there is a chance that your girlfriend is a minor.

Bro, I just cut the springs on my BMW e36, the fitment is 🔥🔥. Next week I'm installing some RGB angel eyes 🔝🔝

👍31 👎23

e36 - meme gif

e36 meme gif

e36 - video


E36 - what is it?

its not a car its a passion its a lifestyle and fast as fuck

the e36 m3 owner stepped on the gas and the Porsche was struggling to catch him

👍25 👎11

What does "e36" mean?

BMW 3-series generation brought to US from `92-`98 which included the 318i, 323i, 325i, and 328i. The coupes had an "S" at the end, ex. "325is." M3's came to US from `95-`99. The 318ti, a hatchback model, was offered from `95-`99.

E36's are very common.

👍143 👎59

E36 - what does it mean?

The Freshest Oldschool BMW 3Series you could buy

SexyBitch: I sucked his dick cause he had an E36

👍59 👎11