Definder - what does the word mean?

What is durl?

Something or someone sweet, innocent or small

Ivan helps me all the time. He is such a Durle.

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Durl - what is it?

The Raccoon_P1MP/WeeGee1of7/Tony pepperoni the mob boss/ a man my many names but tad is what he is know for,
a kind young Dumbass that take cares of everyone

Thats Tad Durling the Mad Lad

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What does "durl" mean?

Neologism by combining the words dumb and girl, creating durl.

She doesn't know how to get a clue, what a durl.

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Durl - what does it mean?

Term for the lumps and swollen masses growing on your body parts caused by the gout and other such illnesses. Commonly on the elbow and forehead and cheek area.

Did you see that Durling breast on geralds elbow? he should get a bra for that thing.

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Durl - meaning

DURL is an acronym for Dumb Ugly Red Loser. Basically any ginger falls into this category, as it's extremely difficult to be just a DUR (if your Dumb, Ugly and Red, you are also a loser). Actually, if you red, you're ugly, in which case you're a loser. So if you're a ginger, you're a Durl.

Hey Shaun White, You fucking durl.

Hey Carrot Top, you fucking durl.

Hey Matt Friedman, fucking durl.

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Durl - definition

When bae smells your sweaty armpit as a turn on.

My boyfriend durled me after my run yesterday.
I don't use deodorant so the durle is extra potent.

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