Definder - what does the word mean?

What is dulcie?

Dulcie is another word for a fuckin little benchode.

Susan: "Have you seen that girl over there? She fucking stinks."
Ali: "Yeh, that's Dulcie shes a fucking stinky little benchode"

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dulcie meme gif

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Dulcie - what is it?

Dulcie is a sweet sweet sexual individual. She likes ponies and lollipops and walking in fields in daylight. She enjoys phone sex but only on wednesdays at 8. She can do magical things with her tongue. She eats eyeballs for lunch, electrical cords for dinner, and never eats breakfast, unless she has a hangover.

some person : hey, you know that dulcie the famous tap dancer?!
you: sure ! she's the cat's meow ! damn.

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What does "dulcie" mean?

She wants to do all of the boys in the school and she is a nit!

Is that Dulcie? Yeah what a slut!

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Dulcie - what does it mean?

A hip little chick from the mountains

Dulcy wandered out of the yurt naked.

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Dulcie - meaning

Slang term for an ass, butt or arse. Not to be confused with acting like an ass.

"Go shove a prick up your dulci you fucking troll"

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Dulcie - definition

Dulcie’s are the kind of girl you would not expect to be good at fighting. They usually come across as shy but once you get to know the real them they are total badasses and they are usually really kind. Dulcie’s are not afraid to speak there mind no matter the consequences and are such loyal friends.

I can’t believe Dulcie knocked Ryan out I thought she would get beet up!

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Dulcie - slang

A kind, soft-hearted girl. Can be sensitive at times, but always puts others first.

Dulci is so sweet, she just helped that old man cross the street!

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Dulcie is the type of girl who you wont expect to be good at fighting shes usualy shy around people but when you get to know her she is crazy! If you say somthing wrong or step out of line dulcie will tell you and wont be afraid of your outcome. Dulcie is feirce and a mysterious character

Dulcie is crazy

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Dulcie is the kind of girl that is sensible, but daring, and is hilarious but doesn't know it. Dulcie is not a fan of relationships but if there's someone she wants to be with she will and will be faithful.

Dulcie is my idol.

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