Definder - what does the word mean?

What is du Jour?

Any useless or needless item that you can't part with.

"crap of the day"

Nancy: "What the hell is this?"
Faith: "What, the foil origami cranes?"
Kim: "It's the 'crap du jour'."

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du Jour - video


Du Jour - what is it?

A play on soup du jour ("soup of the day"). The latest in a long string of flings or short-term boyfriends for a woman or a gay man.

Girl 1: Who's the new guy with Zoe? I thought she was dating Zach?

Girl 2: Oh, that's Chase. He's the "dick du jour".

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What does "du Jour" mean?

It's the poop of the day.

"Excuse me... Flo?" *snicker snicker* "What is the 'Poop Du Jour?'"

"Its the poop of the day."

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Du Jour - what does it mean?

As COVID-19 social distancing and shelter-in-place orders endlessly grind on, the passage of time is distorted and once important daily events are homogenized into an unrecognizable, indistinguishable, meaningless blur.

Hey, what day is it?
I dunno. Why?
I was going to order the slop du jour...

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Du Jour - meaning

A phrase derived partly from the French (du Jour - 'of the day') used to describe the largest breasts (Rack) seen on a girl seen that day, or sometimes within an arbitrary time frame such as on an evening out. Thought to have originated in the early 1920s in the French Quarter of New Orleans.

Christ alive Orville, look at those tumblers. She's got to have the Rack Du Jour!

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Du Jour - definition

Pseudo-French for "slut of the day"- the person, of the many indistinguishable options, with whom one is currently romantically engaged.

"Who's the girl Nick's with tonight?"
"Oh who knows, just his slut du jour, he'll have another by friday."

"...and the 'slut du jour' is Keith, who doesn't much care who's mouth he's in. Served with a side of Carlos."

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Du Jour - slang

Is the current or popular action or belief of an individual or group that is self-delusional or in denial.
An individual's personal ideation of an incorrect concept for today.
Something you are fooling yourself about right now.
An incorrect belief that is on the menu for today.

Sarah's latest boyfriend is her new delusion-du-jour, she is in denial of all of his faults.

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Du Jour

It's the soup of the day.

Lloyd Christmas: Excuse me, Flo, what's the soup du jour?
Waitress: It's The Soup of the Day.
Lloyd Christmas: Mmmm... that sounds good; I'll have that.

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Du Jour

Any type of death that is widely popular such as widespread death due to opiate overdose or mass tragedies or any dramatic violent death since the news will cover it because it brings in a wider audience which translates into higher advertising revenues.

Ah yes, it has been the absolute death du jour for sometime now!

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Du Jour

literally means "of the day" in French. Usually used in restaurants to make their daily special sounds sophisticated.

Waiter: "The soup du jour is French onion" = "Today's special is French onion soup"

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