Definder - what does the word mean?

What is do the proper?

1.)To bring pleasure to a woman to the point of her screaming out ur name and calling u daddy.

2.)To fuck a woman up her ass.

3.)To give a woman multiple-orgasms.

A letter to Adult Swim:
Screaming Betty needs to shut up.....she gives me a headache, but Id still do her proper

👍83 👎49

do the proper - video


Do the proper - what is it?

To fuck a girl to the brink of the biggest orgasm of her life, and pleasure this girl untill she can't take anymore.

Her fucked her untill she came multiple times

👍81 👎43

What does "do the proper" mean?

to fully satisfy the grl and have good sex with her

alex: damn glenn look at christina
glenn: heh yeah ill do her proper

👍217 👎93

Do the proper - what does it mean?

to have sex with someone

Damn that girl's hot... I'm gonna take her back to my place and do the proper.

👍65 👎15