Definder - what does the word mean?

What is dick willy?

he is a dick head willy


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dick willy - video


Dick willy - what is it?

When she sucks you but u stick it in her ear

Guy :Oh yeah thats good but turn your head Girl: oh wtf Guy cum on its just a Dick wet willy

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What does "dick willy" mean?

A nigga who scam and use btc who got all the treeshes

Tyrone called him self Big Dick Willy because he fucked Jessica raw dog in the stair case.

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Dick willy - what does it mean?

Phrase used by someone when they brag about all their accomplishments and achievements no matter how big or small they are

Husband-honey! I just did the dishes and made our bed.

Wife- wow! you’re the big dick Willy!

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Dick willy - meaning

Giving a girl or multiple girls a round or rounds of mind blowing sex. or just generally gegrading them.

Smitty- yo ryan did you give that skank the sweet dick willy last night? Ryan- sure did, slut had a boyfriend too!

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Dick willy - definition

A man of principles.

"You can trust em'. He's a good guy. A regular "Sweet Dick Willy.""

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Dick willy - slang

a name of a badass, cool guy, who gets all the bitches.

When somebody asks for your name, say "Big Dick Willy."

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Dick willy

if somebody is feeling especially retarded they may decide it is necessary to use 2 derogative terms for the gluteus maximus rolled into one to make 1 devistateingly insulting insult. although i have only actially herd rowan (the founder of this insult) say "dick willy" i am sure that within the next 10-20 years at least 3 people would have used it.

some retard: kek at ur face lol nub lol ur mum lol lmao pmg rofl z0mfg lol

rowan: shut up you dick willy

some retard: z0mg that was uncalled for dude *crys*

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Dick willy

It's like a wet willy, but instead of a finger, it's a penis.

When you fall asleep, I'm gonna give you a dick willy!

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