Definder - what does the word mean?

What is dick hurt?

When your dick hurts a lot, like so much it feels like you just banged your friends mom, or like you just banged a pine cone wall either one works.

Omg Iā€™m so dick hurt right now.

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dick hurt - video


Dick hurt - what is it?

Something said when you pwn someone so badly that you need to use a graphic blowjob metaphor.

Dear Lakers,

The way you're on my dick must really hurt your knees.

Love, the Pistons

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What does "dick hurt" mean?

Means you are in a foul mood, angry.

Man my favourite team lost, My dick hurts now!

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Dick hurt - what does it mean?

That feeling when you cum, and attempt to cum again shortly after. Your dick starts throbbing in pain and you regret doing it.

Joe: Hey, why you screaming?

Jack: I'm so fucking dick-hurt after wanking it's unreal.

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Dick hurt - meaning

when someone gets upset at a statement or act that was done to them.

That shirt does not look right on you. Don't get all dick hurt about it! Just change it!

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