Definder - what does the word mean?

What is depressie?

This is when you are depressed because you haven’t got no pussy and it can’t just be any pussy. It has to be a girl or woman who really in love with you too. Not just faking it to get money from you or personal favors.

No one will ever admit they are depressy, or show it.

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depressie - meme gif

depressie meme gif

depressie - video


Depressie - what is it?

u like drinking tea

I WANT Depressi Fokey Wokey TEA

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What does "depressie" mean?

Her name is Georgia, and she doesn't fit the bill for a basic white bitch.

Someone who is depressed, constantly wants to hide from the world, but loves her partner to death.

Girlfriend: God I just wanna disappear! I'm such a basic depressy girl :(

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Depressie - what does it mean?

The opposite of easy peasy lemon squeazy

Oh man, that's hard, it's outright messy stressy lemon depressy.

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Depressie - meaning

two or more best friends who are depressed at the same time. but its okay because at least they're depressed together

wow, theyre sad. but theyre depressie besties because theyre depressed together

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Depressie - definition

When your depressi so you get upsetti and need some spaghetti

i is depressi spaghetti

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Depressie - slang

A stupid word selena made up on FaceTime

β€œI’m going to be all depressy again”

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The term depressie is an abbreviated way of saying depressed. It makes it easier to say it in a sentence.

"Hello James, how are you today" "I am feeling a little depressie."

"The fortnite tryhards must be pretty depressie."

Can be used in first, second or third person.

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