Definder - what does the word mean?

What is demario?

a really really really hot guy

pesons a:demario is so hot

pesons b :i know

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demario - meme gif

demario meme gif

demario - video


Demario - what is it?

A spoiled little rich kid but all so happy and talk a lot

Kaden: man DeMario is so spoiled and rich. Ben: and he talks to much

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What does "demario" mean?

A fine black guy good in bed and has a big dick

Girl he is so fine and good in bed his name is Demario.

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Demario - what does it mean?

Demario is a young fine black man with a long dick and good in bed

This guy is named Demario

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Demario - meaning

A sexy black man with a big dick and good in bed

His name is Demario

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Demario - definition

Obviously a black dude but a fucking badass black dude that is hella sexy and everyone loves.

"Guys, that guy Demario is nothing short of a badass."

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Demario - slang

DeMario is firstly a heartless badass that stops at nothing to get what he desires. His pride is one of the most important things about him. His wide stance on music, culture, literature, and fitness makes him a great person to have a conversation with. A "DeMario” is often a black guy who is usually good with others.

That DeMario lives up to his name

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