Definder - what does the word mean?

What is decendance?

A term for constant descent. Not to be confused with descendance.

"The elevator exhibited slow decendance, passing by the floors one by one."

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Decendance - what is it?

Colon drops out of sphincter, "pink sock" reference usually denoted by the inability to control bodily functions, and a permeating oder that can only be defined as cold feces.

Gay Dan has had a Hyper Decended Anus since freshman year.
How do you know?
Becuase he is constantly running to the bathroom and my room smells like cold feces.

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What does "decendance" mean?

... is when you are counting or playing card games (such as dutch blitz) where you must stack cards numerically downwards.

decending order is: 9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1

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