Definder - what does the word mean?

What is de WEY?

I am from Uganda and I know de wey to de queen. You need to have Ebola to know de wey.

Knuckles 1: Do you know de wey?
Knuckles 2: I don’t know de wey.
β€œKnuckles 1 & 2 looking at their queen”
Knuckles 1 & 2 simultaneously: This is de wey.

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de WEY - video


De WEY - what is it?

A dank meme that will last for a couple of weeks than die off and when ur friend says it when it’s dead just slap his bitch ass. And yes I was assuming ur gender

I know de wey my queen

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What does "de WEY" mean?

an autistic phrase usually used by gay people or normies

Person 1: hey what's up?
Person 2: do u kno de wey?
Person 1: fuck off

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De WEY - what does it mean?

gay fucking 2018 knuckles (from sonic) meme it's kinda funny in some parts then also has a lot of brain cancer added to it but it is a trash meme but hey it's funny because it's 2018 so all are trash esketit

do you kno de wey?

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De WEY - meaning

A meme video of a remake of knuckles the echidna from the sonic series

"Do you know de wey my bruddah"Said in an African accent

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De WEY - definition

A Prase started in a VR chatroom by a low poly Version of knuckles from Sonic it now is resting in meme forums and was very popular during early January 2018 not match is known about its context but it is used as somewhat as a Random Meme almost always without context or reason

Jeff: Hey... Tom...

Tom: What, this is a funeral please don’t be rude
Jeff: Do you kno de wey

Tom: I’m done with this shit
Jeff: Got -
Jeff:- em’

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De WEY - slang

Uganda's way of telling you their religion of satanism.

Ugandan: Do you know de wey.

Non-Satanist: No?
Ugandan: I will teach de wey of de devil.

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If you do not know de wey, You hav to be gey

You do not kno de wey, I shall sho you de wey

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The ultimate objective in life of small creatures born from the strange land of VRchat, the fucking annoying ugandan knuckles.

The knowledge of this crap is usually asked to ANY-FUCKING-BODY in every possible situation by those creatures.

Shame on you for searching it.


-Do you know de wey?
*get shot in the head*

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β€œDe Wey” is a simplistic meme created by players shouting β€œYou Do Not Know De Wey” or β€œShow Me De Wey” on VRChat impersonating a Ugandan Knuckles.

Ugandan Knuckles: My Queen, Show Us De Wey.

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