Definder - what does the word mean?

What is daping?

Another word for vibe

Hey I finna go dape

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daping - meme gif

daping meme gif

daping - video


Daping - what is it?

Rape, but happier. Can also be used when playing video games as an insult.

"Stop screaming baby, we can both be happy! This is juust Rape-a-dape!"

"Greenberg I just rape-a-daped you with my SMGs. Bitch!"

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What does "daping" mean?

the polar opposite of a date rape

After dinner, he took me to his grandma's house. We played cards and talked about the Bible. He totally rate daped me.

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Daping - what does it mean?

pape's date rape; aka papes only chance

tonight, pape has a dape

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Daping - meaning

When things are dape as fuk

That punch was dape as fuk

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Daping - definition

A group of friends staying up late together talking about random topics.

"Yo, do you wanna dape with the crew tonight?"
"Yeah, man, I love daping"

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Daping - slang

Vaping during the day?

1: Where's your family?
2: They've been daping since the morning.

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fat people who look like dogs/apes
=dog ape

ew bro your a hefty dape

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Short for date rape.

Guy 1: Did you hear about Sarah?
Guy 2: No. What happened?
Guy 1: She got dape'd.

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The act of loading your lip with a fat hammer of tobacco while simultaneously using an electronic vapor device.

Bro you are daping so hard!

Man I wish daping didn't require so much skill...

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