Definder - what does the word mean?

What is dank fuck?

Noun: that weed or marijawana every one has been looking for

Verb:the best of the best

Wow that was some 720 dank fucking Cush

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dank fuck - video


Dank fuck - what is it?

popular lingo created by Ryans old girlfriend who described everything as dank as fuck, basically just means really dank.

"That system of a down shirt is dank as fuck"-Dank as fuck girl

👍111 👎239

What does "dank fuck" mean?

1. The smell after sleeping with a girl that has a less then reputable reputation.

2. A person who is a straight up chode

1. TJ- "man smell my finger"
You-"Damn TJ you smell like dank fuck bro, were you and Alex in the car again?"
TJ- "fuck you you Shwat-Toddle"

2. Benjamin is a dank fuck

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