Definder - what does the word mean?

What is cum slap?

The art of premeture ejaculation upon entry (well, after about 10 seconds) And then being slaped in the face with a hand covered in cum!

"Dude, i came to early so she gave me a 10 second cum-slap"

"No Way!!"

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cum slap - video


Cum slap - what is it?

When a girl slaps a guy in the face with his own seamen.

Are you serious? Did you just reverse cum slap me? GET THE FUCK OUT OF MY ROOM YOU WHORE!

Opposite of cum slap

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What does "cum slap" mean?

When you cum in your hand and slap someone in the face, while holding their mouth open allowing cum to enter their system.

β€œBro I just used the greasy cum slap on my sister”

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Cum slap - what does it mean?

when a girl decides that she is not going to swallow when you pull out of her mouth to blow your load you shoot it up in mid air next to her face then while it is still airborne you in one motion slap the cum flying through the air and her face.

"dude... i totally airborne cum slapped your mom cause she wouldnt swallow my load. it was hard to do but i caught all my cum in mid air and slapped that bitch so hard across the face."

"but dude my mom swallows..."

"she didnt for me this time so i gave her an airborne cum slap"

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Cum slap - meaning

When you cum in your hand and hold someone’s mouth open while slapping them allowing cum to enter their mouth

β€œBro I just used the greasy cum slap on my sister”

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Cum slap - definition

The art of smacking one upside the head (usually in the facial region) with a used condom with a load towards the tip as weight.

I cum slapped a ginger after he ignored my request for a trash can.

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Cum slap - slang

Cum Slap (Verb): The art of cumming in ones hand and slapping their partner.

β€œwhen your wife doesn’t give you any and you rub one out than cum slap her with it for revenge”

β€œwhen your wife’s too busy so you rub one out but no drop is to be wasted so you cum slap her so she owns it”

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Cum slap

When the bitch is sucking you off and at the end decides to spit and not swallow
So you offer your hand for her to spit the cum on

You then go...'yo bitch, next time swallow!'
And you slap her with the cum filled hand
If she crys...DOUBLE POINTS!!

'Fuck me...remember that bitch i met at the club?'
'Well she was sucking me off in the alley and the bitch didnt swallow!'
'Dont worry man, i cum slapped the bitch...she wont not swallow ever again'

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Cum slap

Its when you actually load on your palm & slap the shit out of somone(pref. a female). If you wait till it gets cold you get extra points, as a cold load is more offensive.

I dealt that little skeezer a cold "cum slap" for holding out till the second date.

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Cum slap

The act of ejaculating on a sex partner's face, and then delivering a hard open handed slap to that area of the face, with the intention of the fluid splattering over a wider area.

When I cum slapped that girl, my juice got in her eye

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