Definder - what does the word mean?

What is csec?

the school where nerds overpopulate, delourenco lurks, and chik fil a gets most there money. everyone fake and have no respect for anyone,

CSEC is so lame

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csec meme gif

csec - video


Csec - what is it?

CSEC or now CECCS, is a good concept if you are looking to graduate early, and not spend ridiculous amounts of money on college. One would expect to be surrounded by mature genuine people, but soon you'll realize that it's just another high school full of dickwads, obnoxious assholes like students and teachers. like furries and Ms. Davis, and Ms. Prahl(they seriously need to get sum dick tho, or pussy whatever they like), it's not all that bad but you'll meet some cool people.

All in all, it's just a means to an end to hopefully project us to a better place. just use the bullshit to fuel your fire man, more reason to get out fast.

Mary cover your ass, this is csec! de Lourenco is gonna stare at if you don't!!
Be careful going into the csec boy's bathroom there some kid, who jerks off and doesn't realize people can see him slappin' his ham like it killed his family...

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