Definder - what does the word mean?

What is cripi?

One who touches themselfs abusivly and vioilently

OMFG He is cripying himself
Jesus look at that cripy go.

👍81 👎145

cripi - meme gif

cripi meme gif

cripi - video


Cripi - what is it?

So crispy the s has fallen off

Look at that girls Cripy lips

👍45 👎19

What does "cripi" mean?

A high quality(high thc percentage) weed

"Dude, we got some cripy for tonight"
"Nice, were gonna get destroyed"

👍165 👎67

Cripi - what does it mean?

Chronic, some high quality weed with lots of hairs

Is that shit cripi or regs

👍137 👎43