Definder - what does the word mean?

What is creeves?

A creeves is a potato, he is a gifting potato, who loves to make his little potato fans happy by giving out potato prizes to lucky potatos. A creeves is a strong standing potato. If you would rank potatos, the creeves would be the number 1 potato.

Have you ever seen a creeves?

Ye! what a potato, i love it!

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creeves - meme gif

creeves meme gif

creeves - video


Creeves - what is it?

The most heinous person/people in exsistence Creevil people of this caliber are not to be aproached as they will seek out ways to bring out the emo in you. all they want is to destroy lives

Quit being such a creevs.

You are completely creeving out right now.

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What does "creeves" mean?

The sweaty, stinky bodily roll that resides in one's armpit where one will normally find a build up of sweat and dead skin.

Dude! Put on some deodorant. I can smell your creevs from a mile away.

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Creeves - what does it mean?

When you're told in ONE word, to never SPEAK again. This is usually said because you have cracked a poor joke or are speaking when in fact you should NOT be, as you have NO knowledge of the subject matter.

Are you still Speaking? Creeve

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