Definder - what does the word mean?

What is corn NUTS?

The fictional god of Corn Nuts. He appears whenever cameras are present and is the cause of whichever face you may have made.

Bro #1- You look really pissed off in that picture, bro.
Bro #2- Yeah, the Corn Nut God was hitting on my girlfriend.

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corn NUTS - video


Corn NUTS - what is it?

Definition: the result of having sex with a piece of corn. Balls become corny.

I was lonely so i did it with some corn and now i have corn nuts

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What does "corn NUTS" mean?

For The Educated:

The hard particles of composed of undigested corn left inside fecal matter after a large bowel evacuation. May occur after eating any variety of zea mays.

For the Idiots:

The little hard corn nuggets in your shit after you take a big one. Happens after eating corn.

Me: Man... I gave your mom a hot lunch last night, and she almost choked on the corn nuts.

You: Yeah, that's my Mom... always choking on stuff.

Me: Yeah, I know. She was so embarrassed that she let me give her the ol' donkey punch to make up for it.

You: But... Only I am supposed to give her the donkey punch!

Me: You sick fuck.

You: *head hung in shame*

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Corn NUTS - what does it mean?

the act of one farting

Did you hear that girl corn nut it was the worst thing i have ever smelt.

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Corn NUTS - meaning

A silly person; an affectionate derogative used to describe childish or dork like behavior.

Jimmy is such a corn nut! He always steals my buttons during Chemistry.

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Corn NUTS - definition

when a straight OR gay male, places his erectoral function into another female OR male's anus and bobs up and down as if he were an oompa loompa cuz "I don't like the look of it". Or just plainly.... sticking your nuts into a corn-hole.

Straight Version:
Brandon:Dude I totally banged this chick all night long!
Luke: Oh yeah! What did you do to her?
Brandon: I totally Corn Nutted her!
Gay Version:
Marky: Guess what I did to you last night?!?
Cory: Oh my god! What?
Marky: I gave you my Corn Nuts!
Cory: Eeewie!

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Corn NUTS - slang

A tasty snack invented 1936 as a beer accessory. Some really unintelligent red necks believe that corn nuts are in fact, a nut, when realistically- they are deep fried corn... many individuals who confuse corn nuts as actual nuts, also believe that ONLY peanuts can be made into a nutty butter form...
these individuals are called sean's.

"hi my name is sean"
"oh, in which case, you must know nothing about fine road trip cuisine ..specifically corn nuts"

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a corn nut is a small piece of hair sticking out on the side of your head.

"fuck my corn nuts are popping out"

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A decaying, brown-mouth full of heinously rotten teeth accompanied by the rank oder of rancid food particles.

He leaned in to kiss her ever so gently.

Girl says, "Ugh! You need to go to the dentist and fix those Corn Nuts!"

"That's the filthiest grin I've ever seen. Look at those Corn Nuts!"

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Roasted or deep-fried corn (maize). A very crunchy snack food, often eaten with beer. Not, in fact, actually a nut.

Oh sorry, I ate all the ranch-flavored corn nuts.

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