Definder - what does the word mean?

What is cool boi?

A Really Famous Discord Admin And Virgin

Cool Boi Is Such A Virgin He Has Never Touched A Pussy

👍25 👎11

cool boi - video


Cool boi - what is it?

When a female thinks too much like a male for males to be attracted to her.

Megan is so boy cool, with her short hair and crude sense of humor. I was interested at first, but now I think I'll have to look elsewhere.

👍29 👎11

What does "cool boi" mean?

A slang word black people use for a white guy who hangs around them, loans them money they dont repay, and drives them around for free.

In prison, it's a word used by black gangs to describe white males who hide their weapons for them. This leads to washing clothes, and this usually leads to the cool white boy getting cornholed by the said black gang.

Most white people who get called this actually love it.

Tyrone: Mark drives me around all day and I dont pay him for it. I also fuck his wife while he's at work. He sure is a cool white boy.

Raheim: Yeah when we were in the pen, I used to cornhole him everyday, and he never made me use lube. He also liked it when I teabagged him. He really is a cool white boy.

If you voted for obama and you are a white male, you are most likely a cool white boy.

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Cool boi - what does it mean?

refers to a male person of chinese decent who displays great amounts of flamboyance. Does not neccessarily need to be chinese. can be of any asian race.

Look at jerry that chinese mother fucker dancing over there. he is such a chinese cool boy.

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Cool boi - meaning

The guy who be jealous of his friend's status and tries to humiliate him in public.

Why you tryna insult Can, are you a"cool boy remover"?

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Cool boi - definition

An exclusive group where 12 people roast each other on the daily

I was crying when I saw what they said about me on cool boys

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Cool boi - slang

One of twelve hilarious guys who continue to roast each other on the daily

Nick: Did you see the cool boy walking down the hall?
Griffin: Yeah, I wish I could be one of them...

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