Definder - what does the word mean?

What is conched?

A shell used to decide diplomatic rule upon child inhabited islands; Later replaced with swine heads.

"Sucks to your conch - Piggy and I are in love."

👍117 👎93

conched - meme gif

conched meme gif

conched - video


Conched - what is it?

n. A versatile word used to:
1. Express camaraderie
2. Express general disgust and annoyance
3. adj. Delineates one's state of goofiness or strangeness

1. What up conch!
2. That slut took my seat. What a conch!
3. He was actin real conchy today.

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What does "conched" mean?

A powerful word that when used in an explictive way could describe pain, displeasure, or hatred. Often replaces other more common sware words.

Mike-Hey dont look now but here comes Mark.
Trevor-Wow that guy is such a conch!
Mark-Hey fuck you I heard that!
Trevor-Wow you are such a conch!
Mark-Fuck you, you conch sucker!
Trevor-Ya real good why dont you go conch your self in the face!
Mark-You know I would but I already conched all over your mom last night!
Trevor-Ya real mature bring my mom into this you conch.
Mark-You know I wouldnt have to if she didnt love the conch so much
Trevor-Fuck you!
Trevor-fuck you have beaten me. ***Lays down in fetal position***

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Conched - what does it mean?

1. Any of various tropical marine gastropod mollusks, especially of the genera Strombus and Cassis, having large, often brightly colored spiral shells and edible flesh.

2. Person born in the Florida Keys, an island chain at the southernmost tip of Florida, also referred to as the "Conch Republic" Anyone having lived in the Keys for 7 or more consecutive years may call themselves a "freshwater conch".

"You may have been around since 1975, but you'll never be a true Conch."

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Conched - meaning

the bowl-shaped part of the ear, where soundwaves are bounced into the inner ear. Commonly pierced.

"I can't believe she stretched her conch piercing to 2 ga"

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Conched - definition

1. the act of vomiting into an open anus which has teeth around the outside.

2. cutting a person's genitals off and keeping them in a shell for later ingestion.

3. cutting off someone's genital warts and sucking the juices out.

1. *blurgh* *munch, munch, munch, mmmmm* thats some good conching.

2. alfred didnt mind me bringing home my boss' genitals for dinner last night.

3. don't look at me in that strange way, i'm doing you a favour.

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Conched - slang

While sharing a cigarette, bowl, etc, talking instead of smoking and passing.

The act of talking while holding a shared cigarette, bowl, etc, thus delaying others enjoyment and uslessly burning the smoked object.


One who feels the need to talk while holding smoked object in a cyph.

Derived from the novel LORD OF THE FLIES wherein a conch shell is used to determine who is allowed to speak. As we live in a modern society, we do not need to hold objects in order to be heard. Therefore, conching is unnecessary and also burns away good smoke.

"Hey Joe! Stop conching and pass that!"

"This thing's kicked! Dammit Chris, you conched for so long that this thing's more beat than Tina Turner!"

"I like Dave a lot, but I would never smoke with him. He's a big concher. Once he gets his turn in the cyph, he'll talk until that shit's gone!"

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A euphemism for cunt

That guy is such a conch.

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Colloquialism for the vagina; referring to the often pink parted cavity that is common to both the female genitalia and the large mollusc.

I was poised over the top of her and then I jammed it in her conch.

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An object passed around in a group of people that when held, the holder has the groups attention and can announce a secret, or statement or whatever they have to say. One can only speak when holding the conch

Pass the conch! I have to announce the loosing of my virginity!

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