Definder - what does the word mean?

What is cocoa pebbles?

A brown chocolate flavored rice cereal that enlarges your penis

Fred: Barney get me some fuckin' cocoa pebbles cereal!! I need to satisfy my wife tonight
Barney: Okay Fred
(later that night)


if it can work for the Flintstones it can work for you

👍25 👎11

cocoa pebbles - video


Cocoa pebbles - what is it?

When a woman is given a milk enema and lets it go into a big bowl then drinks it.

I can't believe that chick was down with cocoa pebbles.

👍29 👎21

What does "cocoa pebbles" mean?

When your poop doesn't form correctly and it comes out in a pile of little brown balls.

Someone dumped a lot of Cocoa Pebbles in the toilet. I wouldn't recommend eating them though.

👍41 👎17