Definder - what does the word mean?

What is cock swap?

The act of cumming in someones mouth then spitting it onto someone elses cock

Josh: Yo Tim wanna cock swap with Amelia
Tim: Sure

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cock swap - video


Cock swap - what is it?

Originial term to describe a man's "virtual penis" in chat rooms on the internet. After finding that the term sounded a little gay, e-peen was adopted.

Jason: thanx newb
Jason: fng
Jeremy: What is fng anyways
Jason: fucking narcissistic generalist
Jeremy:'re quite a tough guy online jason =). Your swap cock must be humongous!

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What does "cock swap" mean?

When two girls mutually agree to "swap" their respective boyfriend's cock for the other's.

Mary and Betty were tired of fucking their boyfriends, so they agreed to cock swap for the night.

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Cock swap - what does it mean?

Cock swap is when one party cock blocks, only to replace said lost cock with an alternative one.

Gay guy A is about to hook up with gay guy B, when gay guy C cock swaps causing guy B to leave.

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Cock swap - meaning

In the event of a cock block where one male cock blocks another male, the blocking male may attempt to steal the opposing male's target and swap the blocked cock with his.
This is usually done out of spite of the blocked male.

Charlie: I totally cock blocked Michael the other day.

Kevin: You should have gone further and cock swapped him.

Charlie: Yeah I should have.......... And... I SHALL!

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