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What is cock smashing?

Usual refererance used by gamers in online play Halo 2 and 3. The term refers to the action when two opposing players, one from the red team, and one from the blue team, are engauged in battle and punch or gunbutt eachother at the same time. This results in the so named Double Baby Cock Smash, or D.B.C.S.

The other team got lucky with that last D.B.C.S for the win.
Lucky noob got a Double Baby Cock Smash

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cock smashing - video


Cock smashing - what is it?

The doublebabycocksmash, first orginating from the diddykonggroundpound, has evolutionized into the 21st century as a sexual manuver in which a males double babies,or testacles, hit onto the females vagina, followed closely by a cock smash that sends the female into a instant orgasm lasting longer than any other known.
The doublebabycocksmash has only been known to be done by 3 individuals that would rather go unnamed. It is a dangerous act but if completed, will result in the upmost greatest sexual climax known to mankind.

Louie can't hang out with us tonight, he's with Kelsey showing her the Double Baby Cock Smash.

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What does "cock smashing" mean?

an often word used to describe Sloan Lamb

" Sloan Lamb is such a cock smash

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Cock smashing - what does it mean?

wen you get hit in the bollacks heavily and it hurts really bad and it hurts for some time

when ur just stood there thinkin a naked lady and then some little prick walks up to you and punches u in the bollocks and you shout and have painfull bollocks cock smash we gangsters call it

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Cock smashing - meaning

When someone you know smashes your dick/penis with the bottom of their shoe.

Shyanne loves cock smashing me.

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