Definder - what does the word mean?

What is clagnut?

This would be after an extended period of lack of regular sanitary arrangements such as on patrol in bandit country.

See also 'Bartleberry'.

Clagnuts are the crispy bits of shit that cling to the hairs around your anus.

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clagnut - video


Clagnut - what is it?

A Piece of shit that didnt manage to get wiped by the tissue. This shit has managed to entangle within the pubic hair and stay around the arse hole region.

You need to clean your arse hole... you have clagnuts

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What does "clagnut" mean?

One of the collection of entangled pieces of shit, paper and pubes that often occur following a particularly sticky dump.
The human equivalent to a dag. Can be used to insult.

Rupert arose from giving Henry a damn fine arse licking, but Henry refused to thank him until he removed the clagnuts that were stuck in his teeth.

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Clagnut - what does it mean?

Small lumps of shit that stick to your arse pubes.

I nearly tore myself a new one trying to get those clagnuts off my arse

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Clagnut - meaning

small spherical lumps of matted faeces and arse hair, sometimes dangling on s single strand from the anus.

sheesh, just got back from having a particularly nasty "number two", gonna have clagnuts for sure.

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Clagnut - definition

A short, sexy, badger like girl, answering to the name of Claire.

Come here claggers.

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Clagnut - slang

A small piece of faeces or shit that has dried, hardened and adheded to pubic hair around the anus. See also dangleberry. Can also be used as an insult.

I can seldom dislodge a clagnut without also removing several pubes.

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A small faecal / pubic encrusted pellet. May cause excessive ding-ratching and give the impression that you've scruffed your bracks.

It was a most stubborn clagnut that resulted in crayoning Brian's underpants with a distinctive earthy hew.

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